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Domestic violence increases around the holidays

On Behalf of | Nov 29, 2022 | Criminal Defense |

The holiday season is one that should be filled with joy and family memories. For some, this is a time of strife because of issues at home. One thing that shocks some is that the number of reported domestic violence incidents increases during the holiday season

Many things may contribute to this increase in reports. People are gathering more so there’s a chance that people who don’t get along will come together. People may also take things the wrong way because of the increased stress of the holiday season.

What should you do if you’re accused of domestic violence?

A person who’s accused of domestic violence will likely be arrested. Remember that you have rights during this time. Ensure you invoke those rights, including the right to stay silent and the right to consult with an attorney. You may be tempted to try to explain your side, but you never know who might misconstrue a statement in a way that makes it seem like you’re admitting guilt. 

A protective order may be issued, which means that you’ll be unable to return home. Never try to violate that order because it can lead to more criminal troubles you’ll have to deal with. This can be hard to handle during the holidays, but the long-term implications of violating the order are too great. 

You should get started on your defense strategy right away. These charges can change your life dramatically. Learning your defense options can help you to determine how to proceed, so working with someone who can help you evaluate these is beneficial.  

