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3 consequences of a DUI conviction you might not have considered

On Behalf of | Feb 27, 2024 | DUI |

Many people fail to realize just how serious a driving under the influence (DUI) conviction can be. They think it’s more like a minor traffic ticket where you just pay up and get on with life.

A DUI conviction could potentially change your life – and not in a good way. Here are some of the reasons why:

You will have a criminal record

A conviction will leave you with a criminal record which could cause employers or housing providers to disregard your applications. Even those looking for someone to fill voluntary posts might declare you unsuitable. They might not take the time to look and see that your error was having one drink too many rather than committing a more serious or violent offense. 

You will have to pay more for your insurance

How much do you currently pay for insurance? Can you afford to pay another 55% on top? That is how much extra Idaho insurers are likely to charge you once they learn you have a DUI conviction.

You might be unable to drive for a while

If the court suspends your license, even if it’s only temporary, it can have a big effect on life for you and your family. You might no longer be able to commute to work and need to find a job closer to home. Your kids may no longer be able to rely on you to pick them up when they are out at night. You might not be able to do the weekly shopping so easily.

If you don’t like the sound of these things, it’s crucial to learn more about your DUI defense options. 

